Carol Soppe, MS

Clinical Research Supervisor
+1 415 514-7386

Ms. Soppe is the PET Program Clinical Research Supervisor working directly with the Rabinovici Lab. She is deeply involved with both faculty and staff in monitoring operational issues, regulatory compliance and project development. Besides project management expertise, Carol brings over 20 years of research experience spanning fields from basic immunology, metabolic diseases and oncology to transplantation and autoimmunity. Prior to joining the Memory and Aging Center in May 2024, she was an Associate Director of Research Operations at the UCSF Immune Tolerance Network. She has a professional science master’s degree in biotechnology, MBT.

With respect to her approach to the PET Program, Carol is motivated to be both systematic and efficient in her position to effectively generate tangible results. She brings a unique combination of strengths, skills and experiences to her position making her someone who can translate any idea into a plan of action, while providing new approaches to solving complex problems.

In her spare time, Carol enjoys hiking, cycling, being mindful, practicing stoicism, brushing up on her Korean language skills, and listening to podcasts. She is a lapsed runner who has at least one more marathon in her that she is plans to run in 2027.


IL-6 receptor blockade does not slow β cell loss in new-onset type 1 diabetes.

JCI insight

Greenbaum CJ, Serti E, Lambert K, Weiner LJ, Kanaparthi S, Lord S, Gitelman SE, Wilson DM, Gaglia JL, Griffin KJ, Russell WE, Raskin P, Moran A, Willi SM, Tsalikian E, DiMeglio LA, Herold KC, Moore WV, Goland R, Harris M, Craig ME, Schatz DA, Baidal DA, Rodriguez H, Utzschneider KM, Nel HJ, Soppe CL, Boyle KD, Cerosaletti K, Keyes-Elstein L, Long SA, Thomas R, McNamara JG, Buckner JH, Sanda S, ITN058AI EXTEND Study Team

Alefacept provides sustained clinical and immunological effects in new-onset type 1 diabetes patients.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Rigby MR, Harris KM, Pinckney A, DiMeglio LA, Rendell MS, Felner EI, Dostou JM, Gitelman SE, Griffin KJ, Tsalikian E, Gottlieb PA, Greenbaum CJ, Sherry NA, Moore WV, Monzavi R, Willi SM, Raskin P, Keyes-Elstein L, Long SA, Kanaparthi S, Lim N, Phippard D, Soppe CL, Fitzgibbon ML, McNamara J, Nepom GT, Ehlers MR